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40 lines
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import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from 'next/server'
import { decrypt } from '@/app/_lib/session'
import { cookies } from 'next/headers'
// 1. Specify protected and public routes
const protectedRoutes = ['/admin/dashboard']
const publicRoutes = ['/admin/login']
export default async function middleware(req: NextRequest) {
// 2. Check if the current route is protected or public
const path = req.nextUrl.pathname
const isProtectedRoute = protectedRoutes.includes(path)
const isPublicRoute = publicRoutes.includes(path)
// 3. Decrypt the session from the cookie
const cookie = (await cookies()).get('session')?.value
const session = await decrypt(cookie)
// 4. Redirect to /login if the user is not authenticated
if (isProtectedRoute && !session?.userId) {
return NextResponse.redirect(new URL('/admin/login', req.nextUrl))
// 5. Redirect to /dashboard if the user is authenticated
if (
isPublicRoute &&
session?.userId &&
) {
return NextResponse.redirect(new URL('/admin/dashboard', req.nextUrl))
return NextResponse.next()
// Routes Middleware should not run on
export const config = {
matcher: ['/((?!api|_next/static|_next/image|.*\\.png$).*)'],